Aille Castle.
Aille tower house.
Christy Cunniffe
Examination of the ruins of a tower house in Aille in the Barony of Leitrim near Loughrea show that the building has a number of architectural phases. The slit windows appear to be from the fifteenth century, the larger ogee headed windows are also of late medieval date. While the external features suggest an early castle the castle was noted to be associated with McWilliam Roe Burke in 1574 (Carew Manuscripts), but was later ceded to the Daly family ( ).
Classified as castle it is recorded on the RMP as GA116-005—-
This page was added on 10/10/2016.
Comments about this page
It is AILLE castle you are correct Pat. I hadn’t seen that. I have it corrected now, also need to change the dating I used.
Thanks for that. You must take me on a walkabout of that region especially the upland area.
The caption with the above photo incorrectly describes it as Leitrim castle.
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